U.S. Wine Exports Booming

February 26, 2014 article from the Wine Institute notes that "U.S. wine exports, 90% from California, reached a record high $1.55 billion in winery revenues in 2013, up 16.4% compared to the previous year, an increase for the fourth consecutive year by value. Volume shipments reached 435.2 million liters or 48.4 million cases, up 7.5%."  Of note is the increase from 2013 of exports to the following countries: EU up 31%; Canada up 12%; China up 6% and Mexico up  21%.

China's unquenchable thirst for wine

Asian Correspondent's January 17, 2014 article states that "China [is] the fifth largest wine-consuming nation in the world. . . between 2012 and 2016 Chinese wine consumption will increase by 40% . . . the fastest growing wine consumption market in the world – ahead of the U.S. and Russia."

Duck Duels

January 10, 2014 article in the Press Democrat on the lawsuit between Duckhorn and Duck Dynasty wines.  "Plenty of wine companies have registered trademarks for names that include the word “duck” . . . [b]ut that doesn’t always stop companies from trying to protect their trademarks, which often are more valuable than the rest of a winery’s assets combined."

Hong Kong wine market thriving

November 7, 2013 article highlighting the growth in the Hong Kong wine market, noting that "[t]he elimination of wine duty has helped Hong Kong become a major wine trading and distribution centre in Asia. And for those with deep pockets, Hong Kong has emerged as the largest wine auction centre in the world."